Happy Saturday, HS Wildcats! There's a lot happening this week: FFA Baked Potato Supper, Scholar Bowl, FFA Contests, Spring Conferences, No School on Friday, & we're hosting a Baseball Jamboree on Saturday! Read all about it in this week's SHS STUDENT WILDCAT ROAR: https://secure.smore.com/n/nce0z5-shs-student-wildcat-roar
3 days ago, Jessica Clements
Spring Conferences
We are taking a Pep Bus to the Class 2 Boys Basketball Sectionals at Harrisburg on Monday, 3/3! Thanks to Aric Falls, Brittany Butler, Mindy Wiseman, and Zach Crews we will be able to transport JH and HS students. We will purchase digital tickets for students who are riding the bus to cover the cost of admission. Students who ride the bus must sit in the Student Section. Students must ride to and from the game on the bus. For this level of Post-season, all students who meet the 4-hour attendance requirement may attend ballgames. Students in ISS may not ride the Pep Bus, but may attend the game(s) if they have had a successful day in the Transition Room. Students may get a permission slip from Mrs. Clements (or the the HS Office) and must bring it back signed to the Send-Off at 4:15 - **they will stay at school from the Send-off until the Pep Bus departs to make sure we have their digital tickets purchased and printed.**
9 days ago, Jessica Clements
3.3 Pep Bus
Happy Sunday, HS Wildcats! I hope that you're enjoying the sunshine and have had a wonderful weekend! This week is SUPER BUSY with the kick off of Spring Sports practices, NWEA, Scholar Bowl, NHS Induction, Basketball Sectionals, and MORE! Read all about it in this week's SHS STUDENT WILDCAT ROAR: https://secure.smore.com/n/854vg-shs-student-wildcat-roar
9 days ago, Jessica Clements
Our Varsity Boys are the Class 2 District 8 CHAMPS! They are playing in State Sectionals on Monday, March 3 at Harrisburg - tipoff is at 6:00. MSHSAA requires digital ticketing at this level & beyond. SEND OFF: Monday, March 3 - Line up at 4:15 on Morgan Street PEP BUS: Working on details, anticipate 4:45 departure from Morgan Street Here's what we have received from MSHSAA regarding DIGITAL TICKETING: Congratulations to your boys basketball team’s win at districts! The following is information for you to share with your families and spectators to purchase during the presale period which end at noon on Monday. Ticket allotment: 925 Presale code: 967R32 Purchase instructions: Your presale code allows you to purchase a ticket during a protected timeframe, it is not a guarantee of a ticket Navigate to www.mshsaa.org Click on the Ticket icon at the top of the home page Select the Sport you wish to view Select the applicable Class, this will bring up all events in one class and will be organized by district number Choose the matchup from the list of events You will see ticket sales do not begin until Mar 3, 12:00pm, this is when presales expire Click the link Have a passcode? Enter the provided presale code and click Apply Enter the number of tickets and click Checkout (there is a transaction fee for online ordering) Name, email, and phone are required in case contact tracing is necessary Enter card information to purchase the ticket Ticket will be sent to you electronically for presentation at the gate for admission, which may be printed or remain on the device for scanning Email support@hometownticketing.com for purchase support.
10 days ago, Jessica Clements
Send Off
Class 2 Bracket
District 8 CHAMPS
There will be a meeting today at 1:45 for students interested in playing Spring Golf. Students, wait for the All-Call.
11 days ago, Jessica Clements
WILDCATS - Your Varsity Boys Basketball team is going to the Class 2 District 8 CHAMPIONSHIP! We're taking a SPIRIT BUS for HS students, AND donors have covered the cost of Admission ($6) AND will give each rider $10 for the Concession Stand! You must ride the bus to & from the game. Departure time is 4:45 pm. Save your spot & get a permission form from the HS Office/J Clem Friday morning!
12 days ago, Jessica Clements
Spirit Bus Info
Good afternoon, HS Wildcats! I hope you're enjoying the sunshine today and looking forward to the warmer weather this week like I am! We have a busy week with District Basketball games, a Board Meeting, and MORE! Check it out in this week's SHS STUDENT WILDCAT ROAR: https://secure.smore.com/n/8zrgq-shs-student-wildcat-roar
17 days ago, Jessica Clements
Friday (2/21) will be a late start day for Slater Schools. 9:30 Staff Report Time 9:40 Doors Unlock 9:50 Classes Begin SCCC students will not travel. No breakfast will be served.
19 days ago, Jessica Clements
late start
Tuesday (2/18) & Wednesday (2/19) will be Alternative Methods of Instruction (AMI) days for Slater Schools due to forecasted weather. Students in PreK-8 grade will bring home paper packets. The majority of HS students will retrieve assignments from Google Classroom. Attendance credit for the day/hour is tied to completion of assigned work. Assignments are due on or before the first day we're back in the building. Saline County Career Center students will not travel to SCCC on Tuesday or Wednesday.
22 days ago, Jessica Clements
Congratulations to the 2025 Slater HS Courtwarming King and Queen: AJ Giannerini & Remington Durham!
25 days ago, Jessica Clements
King & Queen
Have you ordered your 2025 Wildcat Classic shirt yet? See a member of the Freshman Class or contact Jessica Clements (jclements@slaterschools.net) BEFORE Tuesday morning (1/21/25) to have your shirt at the Classic! S-L-A...
about 2 months ago, Jessica Clements
Classic Shirt Orders
2025 shirt design
Tonight's JV Girls Basketball Game at Higbee has been cancelled.
2 months ago, Jessica Clements
Slater Schools will not be in session on Friday, January 10. We'll see you on Monday, Wildcats!
2 months ago, Jessica Clements
No school
SCCC students: Marshall will have an Alternative Methods of Instruction (AMI) day on Friday, 1/10/25. You will need to check your email/Google Classroom for assignments & are responsible for the completion of this work. You will not travel to SCCC on 1/10.
2 months ago, Jessica Clements
Slater Schools will have a Late Start tomorrow - Friday, January 10. Doors Open: 9:40 Start Time: 9:50 No Breakfast will be served. SCCC students will not travel to SCCC.
2 months ago, Jessica Clements
Late Start Friday, January 10
Slater Schools will not be in session on Thursday, January 9. Varsity G/B Basketball v. Macon County will start at 5:30 pm in the home gym.
2 months ago, Jessica Clements
1.9.25 no school
Saline County Career Center (SCCC) students: Marshall will have Alternative Methods of Instruction (AMI) days on Wednesday & Thursday. You will need to check your email for assignments & are responsible for the completion of this work. You will not travel to SCCC on 1/8 or 1/9.
2 months ago, Jessica Clements
Slater Schools will not be in session on Wednesday, January 8. (SCCC students will not travel, per District protocol.) The JV Boys basketball game scheduled for 1/8/25 has been canceled as well. Stay warm!
2 months ago, Jessica Clements
Snow Day 1/8
Slater Schools will not be in session tomorrow, Tuesday, January 7. Stay safe & warm, Wildcats!
2 months ago, Jessica Clements
snow man
Slater Schools will not be in session on Monday, January 6. Stay safe & warm, Wildcats!
2 months ago, Jessica Clements
Snow Day