MAMIC has changed to an online submission form for the scholarships. To reach the form, please go to Click on Scholarships in the navigation bar and then the High School Scholarship application. There is one question regarding Member affiliation. If they or a member of their family is insured by or somehow connected to one of our member companies then that student should fill this section. It is not a requirement for the MAMIC or our scholarship but some member companies give additional scholarships and this information might be useful for those companies\r\n
\r\nAny Questions just let me know.\r\n
\r\nThank you!\r\n
\r\nRobert Ashford\r\n
\r\nAshford Agency, Inc.\r\n
\r\n28 N Jefferson Ave.\r\n
\r\nMarshall, Mo 65340\r\n
\r\n660-886-8557 office\r\n
\r\n660-886-8851 fax\r\n
\r\n660-815-3256 Mobile\r\n