We have had a very smooth start to our 2019 school year and are excited for what will take place this year on our campus! I’m very fortunate to be working alongside the group of individuals that make up our school district faculty and staff. Their knowledge, energy and willingness to make a difference with our students makes Slater Schools an AWESOME place to grow and flourish!
Along with this new school year, come a few new faces; we are happy to welcome them to our Wildcat Pride family!
*Dustin Blankenship, HS Social Studies,
*Steven Benton, HS Language Arts
*Jeremy Muse, HS Math
*Sydney Downs, JH Science
*Macleron Senor, JH Social Studies
*Chrissy Gessling, 2nd grade
*Sheree Daniel, 1st grade,
*Diana Heckman, Full Time Substitute
*Rachel Bayne, Paraprofessional
*Geri Mackenzie, Paraprofessional
*Chris Latimer, Paraprofessional
Although not new, a few lateral moves within our district include – Michael Horton HS Counselor, Alexia Maschmeier HS Science, Cheryl Anderson JH Language Arts, and Kathy Thomas 5th grade. This summer was full of projects that enhanced our district as well as updated our facilities to give the best possible education for our students. As most of you have seen, we were able to take over the football and softball/baseball fields in May which we are deeming, the Wildcat Sports Complex – many different updates have taken place to enhance the overall appearance of this facility. Along with this, through several generous donations and money from our 2018 bond issue, we were able to upgrade an existing building to house our new weight room/fitness center, Wildcat Fitness Center. In doing so, we were able to make it accessible to our community members as well as our students, faculty, and staff – this has been a very positive partnership and urge you to come and take a look – memberships are available in central office.
This year, we are able to offer new options in classes for our students to take advantage of: WW2 and the 20th Century Social Studies class, Animal Behavior out of the Science department, Cardio Training through Physical Education and Broadcast News in the Language Arts area.
We have a busy year planned and look forward to having you on our campus for the many different events that will be taking place. I invite you to keep up to date with our school activities through the parent/student newsletters, district website, social media and attend district events. As always, please feel free to contact me at dgonzalez@slaterschools.net or at 660-529-2278, ext. 111.
Wildcat Pride,
Debbie Gonzalez, Superintendent